(13) - Free Online Conscious Self Development Courses
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Summary: FREE online course presented by Bill Harris and Centerpointe Research Institute, comprised of seven weekly 60 to 90 minute audio lessons. Seven world-famous spiritual teachers reveal powerful information and practical steps you can take right now to experience the spiritual awakening described by Eckhart Tolle in A New Earth, The Power of Now, and his online lessons with Oprah.
Your teachers:
- Zen master Genpo Roshi, creator of the Big Mind process, a method for quickly experiencing profound transcendent states of awareness (what Tolle calls Presence) usually taking decades to master...
- World-famous philosopher, author, spiritual teacher, and founder of Integral Institute and the Integral Spiritual Center, Ken Wilber...
- Renowned spiritual teacher and meditation master, Diane Hamilton...
- Enlightenment teachers, authors, and workshop leaders, Saniel Bonder and Linda Groves-Bonder...
- Sally Kempton, Yoga Journal columnist and one of today's most insightful and experienced teachers of meditation and spiritual growth...
- Bill Harris, Director of Centerpointe Research Institute and creator of Holosync meditation technology, used by over 700,000 people in 173 countries to create deep meditation and easily access what Eckhart Tolle refers to as Presence in their daily lives.
Summary: For more than a decade, the Chopra Center for Wellbeing has served as a beautiful, nurturing place where people can come to heal their physical pain, find emotional freedom, empower themselves, and connect to their inner spiritual life. Founded by Deepak Chopra, M.D. and David Simon, M.D., the Chopra Center is located on the grounds of La Costa Resort & Spa, a lush coastal setting we fondly refer to as “the sweet spot of the universe.” Throughout the year, guests at the Center enjoy the gentle warmth, fresh coastal breezes, and sunshine of Southern California.
They currently Offer Five Free Self-Help Courses for you to enjoy
The Chopra Center is pleased to offer you a selection of free, online programs to give you a taste of our teachings. We hope you'll join us on one of these powerful journeys!
- It is with deep appreciation from Deepak Chopra and the entire Chopra Center family, that we thank you for your dedication to transformation, wellness, and self-awareness. It is because of you we will make Deepak’s vision of reaching a billion people with the message of consciousness a reality. In celebration of hitting 100k followers on Instagram we would like to give you our Attitude of Gratitude eBook to help you find greater health and balance—absolutely free!
With this free eBook, you’ll discover:
- The powerful physical, social, and psychological benefits of practicing gratitude
- Specific practices you can integrate into your daily life without a lot of time
- Tips for successfully working with gratitude so you can experience its life-enhancing benefits
- Want to push past your fears and life challenges? Understanding the mind-body energy system—known as the Chakra system—is the first step to overcoming stagnancy in your life. This free, eight-part series will give you a taste of energetic healing techniques that have the power to transform your life
A Free, 8-Week Program to Build a More Compassionate and Conscious Family
Giving children the tools to fend off negative thoughts and behaviors and build self-confidence and focus is a gift they’ll have for the rest of their lives. Sign up for this free program to learn tools and techniques that you can use as a family.
- Kid-friendly yoga and breathing practices
- Stress-, anxiety-, and ADHD-management tools for children (without medication)
- Emotional intelligence and compassion cultivation exercises
A Free, 4-Part Series - The Beginner’s Guide to Meditation -
Do you want to learn how to meditate but aren’t sure where to begin? Have you tried to develop a meditation practice in the past but stopped because you got too busy, distracted, or frustrated? This free, four-part series will teach you simple techniques that you can start using immediately, so you can experience the benefits of meditation in every area of your life
This free, four-part series will teach you simple techniques that you can start using immediately, so you can experience the benefits of meditation in every area of your life, including:
- Greater clarity and focus
- Lowered blood pressure and hypertension
- Decreased cholesterol levels
- More efficient oxygen use by the body
- Increased production of the anti-aging hormone DHEA
A Free program to calm, energise and connect
Oxygen is the single most important element that moves through our bodies; we simply can’t live without it. And breathing is the means by which we carry oxygen throughout our bodies. Breathing not only supplies our organs with oxygen, it also helps to remove waste and toxins from our bodies
Yet, the average person takes an average of 12 to 20 breaths each minute—which is much faster than what’s recommended for optimal health. With awareness—by practicing conscious breathing, yoga, and meditation—the pace slows down to between four and seven breaths each minute. This means that when we practice being conscious of our breath and when we’re in a relaxed state of mind, our breath will naturally slow down. And when our breath slows, it becomes more nourishing.
Different breathing techniques can help you solve different problems in your life. If you want to energize your mind and body quickly, there are a few breathing techniques you can learn. If you want to improve your digestion, lower your blood pressure, or settle your anxiety, there are other breathing exercises that can help there, too.
This free, online program will teach you four breathing techniques that will literally change your life. Not only can conscious breathing improve your health in various ways, but just one conscious breath can make the difference between a positive and a negative outcome in any situation.
- Sign up to start learning how to breathe your way to a more balanced, healthy state of being.
- The program is completely free of charge—we’ll send you practical breathing techniques straight to your inbox.
A Free 8-week online series is based on Deepak Chopra's popular books Spiritual Solution
Each week you will receive a new lesson with inspiration, exercises, and guidance to help you tap into your own inner source of happiness
Each week you will receive a new lesson with inspiration, exercises, and guidance to help you tap into your own inner source of happiness.
Here is the pathway we will be exploring:
Week 1: Identify Your True Source of Happiness
Week 2: Tune into Your Body's Wisdom
Week 3: Discover Authentic Self-Esteem
Week 4: Detoxify Your Life
Week 5: Open Your Heart
Week 6: Cultivate the Gifts of Mindfulness
Week 7: Replace Fear with Love
Week 8: Celebrate
The Happiness Series includes guided meditations, special videos, and other interactive material that you can immediately use to experience the expansion of happiness in your life.
A Free, 5-Day Program for Cultivating Awareness in Your Life
Have you ever let yourself dream, without restrictions, hesitations, or boundaries?
We invite you to open up to the possibilities for your life. Over the course of five days, we’ll take you on a journey of creating self-awareness, intentions, healthy habits, and expectations that align with your deepest desires in life.
All you have to do is sign up for this free program to begin the path of self-discovery. Over the course of five days, you'll get a sneak peek into the lessons and techniques you would learn in “Living in Awareness.” This online course, recorded live at Seduction of Spirit, is your gateway to deeper understanding and intimacy with yourself. Explore the nature of consciousness, awareness, and the true meaning of “I.”
- What are you waiting for?
- Get ready to begin the life of your dreams.
Free Series
“Intention is the starting point of every dream. It is the creative power that fulfills all of our needs, whether for money, relationships, spiritual awakening, or love.” – Deepak Chopra
Do you ever get the feeling that there is an even greater possibility for your life . . . an untapped potential that you could realize if only you knew how?
If so, you’re not alone. That’s why we’ve created our all-new self-paced workbook, Conscious Woman’s Guide to Setting Powerful Intentions– specifically designed to enhance the power of your intentions and define what it is you truly want in life.
Within this free digital workbook, you’ll discover how to:
- Understand the power of your intentions – and how you can manifest what you truly want
- Deepen your sense of purpose – by clearly defining your goals and aspirations
- Tap into and express your creativity – through affirmations that encompass the body, mind, heart, and soul
The UnCourse provides you with free resources to work towards a deeper level of consciousness
Have you ever let yourself dream, without restrictions, hesitations, or boundaries?
Feel free to login any time, for however long you want. There are nine units of teachings and exercises in the UnCourse. When you finish one of the units, your steps forward will be visible. You can return to the UnCourse site at any time, and your progress through the teachings will be saved. Use the course log to record your feelings and ideas as you participate.
You may want to bookmark this login screen so that you have easy access to the UnCourse.
We hope that this UnCourse will help you to find a true source of peace and freedom within yourself
Summary: Discover Gnosis. Gnosis is the experiential, practical knowledge of science, art, philosophy, and religion that guides us to our full potential and innate happiness.
Study free, online courses about the practical knowledge—Gnosis—that nourishes and develops all the highest qualities of the human being. All philosophies, sciences, arts, religions, and mystical traditions emerged from the same primordial root, thus these courses radiate the heart wisdom of the Greek Mysteries, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and more. Topics include Meditation, Kabbalah, Karma, Hebrew letters, the Runes, Tarot, Dream Yoga, Gnosis, Astrology, and much more.
Summary: Integrative Healing Practices. Healthcare providers can learn about integrative therapies and healing practices in this informative online series and earn continuing nursing education credit. We are currently in the process of updating all the modules (see below), but as always, we encourage users to seek the most recent clinical studies.
- Alchemy - Real Alchemy transforms the human being completely.
- Alphabet of Kabbalah: Hebrew Letters - Knowledge of the Hebrew letters reveals the real meanings of the Bible, Christianity, and Judaism.
- Astral Projection and Dream Yoga - Learn to awaken consciousness in the world of dreams.
- Astrology - Astrology is a science of awakening consciousness.
- Beginning Here and Now - Introductory lectures and articles.
- Bhavachakra, the Wheel of Becoming - The so-called "wheel of samsara" is a profound symbol of how we suffer, and how to change it.
- The Book of Revelation - This free online course reveals how you can discover the true meaning of the Revelation or Apoclaypse of St. John,…

- Christ, the Mystery of the Light - Christ is not a person, but an energy, an intelligence, that can manifest in a human being who is properly prepared.
- Cosmic Evolution in the Bible - The Bible hides great mysteries about the development of the soul, previous races, fallen angels, and much more.
- Daath, the Tree of Knowledge - The Tree of Knowledge (Daath) is a critical symbol in Judeo-Christian traditions, but few know what it represents.
- Fuel for Spiritual Experience - Fuel for Spiritual Experience. Spiritual experiences are not difficult to have if you know the laws of nature that manage them. Learn the exact…

- Gnosis of Buddha Dharma - The Buddha did not teach what to believe. Rather, he taught how to awaken.
- Gnostic Life of the Buddha - Gnostic Life of the Buddha. The secret meanings of the twelve stages of the life of the Buddha Shakyamuni.
- Gnostic Moses - Gnostic Moses. Moshe משה (Moses) is a profound symbol of our soul, which must be developed before Christ can incarnate within us.…

- Gnostic Mysteries - Learn the deepest secrets of Christianity, Judaism, Kabbalah, Hebrew, and much, much more.
- Greek Mysteries - Greek Mysteries. The myths of the Greek gods and heroes hide spiritual knowledge.
- This short course explains what a cult is, discusses many types of cult, and how we worship according to our…

- Machinery of the Soul - Machinery of the Soul. Existence has a purpose and a means to achieve it.
- Meditation Essentials - Base your meditation practice on facts and you will reach true serenity. Meditation is a practical tool that anyone can use in order to investigate the true nature of any phenomena in…

- Meditation without Exertion - What meditation actually is, especially as taught and explained in authentic scripture.
- Path of Initiation - Path of Initiation. The real path of initiation is achieved by the soul.
- Practical Spirituality - The Yoga of Awakening, as found in the Yoga Sutras and Bhagavad Gita.
- Precepts of Alchemy - The mystical Hebrew book "The Zohar" hides a series of rules for Alchemy.
- Runes - This free online course demonstrates the incredible ubiquity and depth of the Runic letters
- Self-knowledge - Knowledge is the basis of liberation from suffering, as explained by Shankaracharya.
- Teachings of the Hindu Gods - This online course of free lectures focuses on teachings and scriptures related to the many beautiful symbols of divinity presented…

- Transformation of Energy - All spiritual development—whether ascending or descending—occurs because of the movement of energy within us. Learn to control your energy, and…

Summary: We created this section for people whose principal difficulties are anxiety or depression. You do not have to give any personal details to access this material. Neither the system nor any professional will know who you are, what courses you are completing or whether you are doing better or worse. You are on your own to learn and change.
We currently offer three Self Help courses.
- Our Shyness course helps individuals who experience anxiety in social situations, such as being the centre of attention or speaking in front of people.
- Our Stress Management course teaches individuals about active coping and effective communication to help them deal with daily stressors more effectively.
- Our Worry and Sadness course helps individuals who suffer from symptoms of anxiety, worry and sadness.
These courses consist of 3 lessons, which you complete at your own pace. In each lesson, you follow a character’s journey as they learn how to manage their symptoms. You will be given homework in each lesson, to help you to practice the skills being taught. We recommend that you spend a week or so practising the homework tasks before moving on to the next lesson.
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