Engaging in the Flow of Evolution - checklist

Keep Energy Strong

  • Be open and feel love coming in - remind yourself of a time you felt strong love
  • Observe beauty to increase energy - relax and observe and commune with nature
  • stop as often as necessary to build energy - relax take a few deep breaths and imagine yourself filling with light stay in a state of love as much as possible - do what you love to do - remind self of a peak experience - feel a background feeling of love

"Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened.”

  • centre yourself in the present - take a few deep breaths and find your centre point (below solar plexus)
  • Remember your core life question (from parents)
  • State clearly what your current questions are - can abstract or concrete something like - ' What is the best way forward, for the highest good'
  • Keep these in the forefront of your attention. Watch your thoughts and dreams

Stay Alert

  • Take an observer point of view as if you are watching a mystery to unravel ( this helps you to release the need to control)
  • Notice if something is brighter or more colourful as a signal to help you make a choice
  • Notice thoughts and hunches (this is info you need to know)
  • Compare your dreams to your present situation and see what they reveal that you are overlooking or missing
  • If you don't understand the information you are receiving or don't seem to be getting any, please make sure you are asking the right question. Ask another question

Probe coincidences

  • Notice how coincidences fill you with energy
  • What is the coincidence bringing into awareness?
  • Is there further work to be done with this person?
  • If you have a hunch about something or recurring thoughts, become alert for the next coincidence or message. It usually moves you in a direction of the thought or hunch

Send Energy to others

  • Give your full attention and energy to those you meet because they all have a message for you, and you for them
  • Remember that you don't have to use your control drama to compete for energy
  • Remember that the energy flowing out of you creates a current that pulls energy into you at the same rate, so you are continually replenished
  • We are all already in the flow - the cycles of life - ups and downs
  • However many of us are not aware of the flow and thus we try to fight it are change it to suit our needs, fears and desires.

We are happy when things go well, but when things aren't going 'my' way or the way 'I' want we get stuck in a rut. Information is a constant stream - we use intention and attention to filter out what we need. Our conscious observes, our unconscious attracts experiences, relationships. We need to be detached from the outcome. However visualise positive outcomes and know, feel, see, hear, smell that you have what you desire, for the highest good. Going with the flows means acceptance - overcoming the fear of losing control We don't need to control everything - it is exciting to have surprises - observe your life as a exciting mystery movie.

Trust in the process. Let go, surrender to the power of your unconscious / superconscious.
The way I see it - if you do good deeds with positive pure intentions you will be on a positive karmic flow / spiral and vice versa.

Be aware of when you step out of the flow or when you are trying to manipulate the flow for your own selfish needs. Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu

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