Mooji Quotes (60) Spiritual Sayings

About the Author: Anthony Paul Moo-Young, known as Mooji, (born 29 January 1954) is a spiritual teacher or guru originally from Jamaica. Moo-Young was a student of Papaji who was a direct disciple of the advaita and non-dual master Ramana Maharshi. Mooji has called his relaxed philosophical approach, "the lazy man's way to enlightenment". See website for more info -


"I am not a speaker nor a preacher. I have no mission to change the world. I have no original words or teaching to give anyone. I reflect only what I've seen and heard - most ordinary, very common. I have no fascination for fresh ideas and activity. All enthusiasm for worldly endeavours and strivings have all but gone. For me, thoughts, words and deeds- the activities of life, are
merely the utensils for serving out the 'prasad' of the Being-ness."
― Mooji

"Every thought and every breath is a breath and a thought occurring in awareness;
And we are that awareness, That thought-less and breath-less awareness."
― Mooji

"All the mind-streams eventually flow into the One ocean Beingness. There are many pathways
for the mind; there are no paths for the Heart, for the Heart is infinite and fills everything."
― Mooji

"While you are so busy you are kissed by grace, but you are not thankful for it because it strips you bare, and all your intentions fall away, leaving you as this indescribable 'here now' quality-less presence. This is the state of the Unborn."
― Mooji

"When the mind adjusts to simply staying here, then that mind is not called mind any more. It's just Self. It's only ever Self."
― Mooji

"Being here really is just the invitation to rest as Being. There is nothing you have to do. It is not an invitation to become. You will not be scrutinized, your actions compared with those of others. That's just unicorn food. Let your river flow as it pleases. Simply observe and recognise that
all is unfolding spontaneously when that inner journalist- the ego, is exposed as a myth."
― Mooji

"First sort yourself out by understanding what you truly are, through recognising what you are not and your world, a projection of your psyche, will become increasingly beautiful and peaceful, for the world is nothing but the reflection of your inner state."
― Mooji

"Trust your Heart. Value its intuition. Choose to let go of fear, and to open to the True and you will awaken to the freedom, clarity and joy of Being."
― Mooji

"A thought may arise: 'It's okay now,
but it's going to be different when I step out the door'.
Already you are anticipating your downfall.
Recognise these as just thoughts.
You can just watch them, feel their pull yet observe them as a movement in
consciousness. Stay put as formless awareness."
― Mooji

"Bondage and liberation are conceptual traps which, through the illusory power of mahamaya (cosmic mind), deludes the already free beingness, thus converting it into the illusory 'seeker' entity. We are conscious presence only, eternally free, formless, happy and whole. The good news of satsang is this: YOU ARE THAT ! effortlessly witnessing the consciousness expressing. Yet we remain untouched as timeless existence, awareness-joy absolute."
― Mooji

"The operation of consciousness
has created the 'apparition' called 'me'."
― Mooji

"The mind in the form of the 'I' concept
has hidden your original peace, Joy and Love
and is now promising to show you how to find them."
― Mooji

"My love, leave behind all this fruitless thinking
And come lay down here in the silence of Being."
― Mooji

"Water has no shape, its nature is to flow. If you put it into a vase it will take the shape of the vase. In this cup, it has assumed the shape of the cup. If poured into my cupped hands it will take the shape of the hands. But water has no shape. It is the same with the consciousness, which is subtler than water. It similarly has no form, but it assumes the form of whatever concept it is poured into or identifies with, but it will never be the form."

It remains ever its formless nature."
― Mooji

"Go beyond everything. Don't collect anything. A king does not need to go
shopping in his own kingdom. Nor does he beg. Remember, you are the Inner
reality~pure awareness only. All that arises are appearances in
consciousness. Don't bother with all that. Rest only as the awareness. This
is the secret."
― Mooji

"Be still and cool in your own
Mind and spirit."
― Mooji

"I am the great waters. Upon my face, the primordial pen
of Mahamaya writes incessantly the lives and destinies
of all living beings. Every wave, each ripple,
the subtlest movement, is my dancing.
Yet I, the pure Reality, remain ever untouched, unaffected. Glorious and
beyond all concepts, I, the unimaginable, the formless Absolute, Alone AM."
― Mooji

"Ripeness is an idea. If you cling to it as an idea it will choke you. It will keep you seeking for more ripeness. You are beyond ripe and beyond ready. What I am really pointing to is what you already are, not what you hould become."
― Mooji

"Beingness is not an achievement.
You need not do, undo or change anything in order to be.
The true Being is inscrutable and beyond Knowledge.
It cannot be found in the objective or phenomenal sense,
for beingness is the formless field within which the very urge to seek arises.
There is no particular quality to THIS THAT IS, so don't join anything to it. The full grasping of this ever present fact shines as joy, compassion, peace and contentment."
― Mooji

"Your life is unfolding naturally.
Leave it be! It does not need any help.
Stay as neutral awareness."
 ― Mooji

"Look! I'm not inviting you to learn this, but to actually recognise this in
your seeing, here now, directly. Otherwise you may leave here with you may
call 'a better understanding' but it will not last. There's no one there to
understand, there's just understanding, which flourishes in you
as peace, joy and contentment."
 ― Mooji

"Just feel that 'stuff', allow it to be expressed,
it flows within the human expression of consciousness, let it be.

Because when it has been given the room to express itself, then the space behind, which is joyful, steady and tranquil will come to the front, only don't name this enlightenment and then feel that you've gained something; instead recognise and pay full attention to the unchanging silence which is the substratum of all that is appearing in the mind."
 ― Mooji

"Just see, nothing is actually touching you when you just observe, when you
don't say 'this should not be'.
Pay attention to this wonderful power in you.
Just witness without judgement, interference or attachment. Give it a chance."
― Mooji

"Thank the great Spirit within for all
That life brings. All is a gift; the sweet
As well as the bitter. All is for your
Growth, freedom and celebration.
Be happy. This is blessedness.
When you affirm your own rightness in the universe,
then you co-operate and communicate with others easily
and spontaneously as part of your own nature.
You, being yourself, unknowingly inspire others to be themselves.
Because you recognize and are confirmed in your real nature,
you will not need to dominate others, nor cringe before them.
This is compassion."
― Mooji

"You never have to prove your own worth,
for you are already complete within
as the beloved child of the Divine. Be happy."
― Mooji

"As an old pot is not polished without scrubbing, so is the mind

not purified without trials; but the pure Self is ever perfect."
― Mooji

"Day by day become more and more intimate
with the inner stillness, joy and love which
is the fragrance your own pure heart. Keep quiet."
― Mooji

"Joy and peace are not found without.
They are discovered within, as your own inherent nature."
― Mooji

"When the various rivers flow into the great Ocean
They lose their individual names and become Ocean only.
When the raindrop is falling towards the Ocean,
It may experience some fear.
But when it touches the Ocean, can it tell the story
Of this meeting?"
― Mooji

"...Focus your mind on 'I am',
which is pure and simple being.
You are Here and Now only.
Contemplate what it is to be fully 'Here' and fully 'Now'.
For this you must leave all else; stay only as here-now
Conscious presence. This is Heart. This is Self."
― Mooji

"Mind is the 'Opium' of the beingness."
― Mooji

"The mind is restless with the urge to accomplish or become. You cannot reach
or become beingness, for beingness is already what you are. Rest in that as
that. Enjoy and be fullfilled in this knowning. This is real knowledge,
satisfaction and contentment."
― Mooji

"When you move towards the satsang invitation with trust,
you will experience the sense of yourself going closer and deeper
until, at a certain point you see that 'closer and deeper'
are mere ideas arising in your own Self
-The Immutable Presence Within."
― Mooji

"A starving man is not 'interested' in food,
nor is a drowning man 'interested' in air.
For one longing for Liberation,
Self-knowledge is not an interest, it's vital."
― Mooji

"That, within which even silence is heard;
before perception arose. Which, itself,
perceives perceiving. That concept-less
and Immutable Being-ness. That alone Is."
-That we are."
― Mooji

"We need the mirror
to see that the personal is not.
Self-enquiry is the mirror."
― Mooji

"When you are curious - you learn.
When you are desperate - you discover."
― Mooji

"We feel we sometimes lose or leave this.
But this 'I who leaves' is the mind only - a thought.
How can we Leave our Self? Can the wave (the mind)
exist apart from the ocean? (the Self)
'Losing and gaining' are simply notions
arising in the Unchanging presence we already are."
― Mooji

"Only now Is, and you are that. Stay as that.
There cannot be any memory in now; for memory is past- not now.
There cannot be a history of now- for now is fresh;
it has no fragrance, and no 'one' to smell it. Stay as now beyond any
concept of now, and any concept of staying."
― Mooji

"If you want to make God laugh
Just tell Him about your plans!"
― Mooji

"Beloved, welcome home to your own Self.
Rest in Self as Self.
Now, whichever way you turn,
Behold within, the infinite bliss of Being."
― Mooji

"My love, stay here.
Going in search of Self (as a goal) is illusion;
You are already the One Self.
You will purchase the map,
Only to find you are already Here."
― Mooji

"When life sends you chilies - make chili con carne!"
― Mooji

"Each contact is an opportunity for your own unique satsang
with your Self; not in some strained or contrived way, but by keeping your mind inside your heart; by trusting the Inner Guru and by recognizing each moment as perfect in itself; and by simply being your Self. This is the true and natural responsibility or rather 'Response-ability ',
the ability to respond effortlessly to the needs of the moment."
― Mooji

"Develop the habit of thinking of yourself as consciousness,
Not as the body or a person.
Do not associate yourself with any object or concept,
however appealing, and the personal, the cause of all miseries will dissolve.
Remain in the state of space-like awareness, free from all notions.
This is the path-less path to timeless Awareness."
― Mooji

"All is perfection only.
Perfection is everywhere to behold;
But first you must have the eyes to see it.
Only the one with perfect eyes can see Perfection.
Think of yourself,
And a subtle image is formed
Inside the mind.
You are not this nor any image or thought.
You are the Silent and formless Awareness
Within which innumerable impressions appear
And disappear without trace."
 ― Mooji 

"Forgiveness, openness and understanding
Flow naturally where there is compassion."
― Mooji

"Stop right here! Don't think more - it is quite enough.
Don't say more - it is quite enough.
Don't strive more - it is quite enough.
Now, don't touch any idea of moving forward,
-simply rest as This, as it is,
Without that, as it could be.
Now drop the idea of being This."
― Mooji

"Detached observing
leaves no footprints in the Beingness."
― Mooji

"Drop the belief that you need more
time and experience to get this;
for that is merely another idea arising
in the time-less Being.
You know that you are. In order to negate or affirm anything, you must
already be there prior to whatever you will negate or affirm. You cannot be
that which you perceive.
You are the perceiving core. Rest as that.
To grasp this is instant freedom,
to miss this is bondage."
― Mooji

"You are total unicity beyond duality. That you are. You are so one with
yourself that you cannot perceive yourself. You can only imagine that you
are other than that. It is like a knife that can cut so many vegetables but
cannot cut itself because it is one with itself, or the scale which can
weigh so many objects but cannot weigh itself. It is the same with the one
supreme Self- the sole Reality, being ever One with itself, it cannot
perceive that which it Is; it can only perceive what it is not."
― Mooji

"Don't fix anything I'm saying here for the moment. Don't make tatoos out of
these utterances, Just stay open, silent and receptive and the work of grace
will unfold naturally."
― Mooji

"...such is the nature of all thoughts and sensations, they come and go. Your
previous problems seemed equally as pressing and important in their time as
your current problem now does, but they are no more, absent from the present
by the force of nature. If such is the nature of thoughts and feelings,
surely your present difficulties share the same destiny. Why worry about it?
All these movements are witnessed in you and by you as pure awareness. Stay
as That!"
― Mooji

"You don't need any symbols here. No support.
That self-knowingness which arises within this form
as 'I AM' is enough. Only don't associate any concepts with that. Stay as
That. It is self-fulfilling."
― Mooji

"Oh my Lord,
Remove whatever remains."
― Mooji

"Now, after all is said and done, What remains? Only that which is not
conveyed by any words nor revealed through any activity. Nothing gained and
nothing lost- Simply that unspoilt and unspoilable awareness we are."
― Mooji

"Attempting to identify with the source is an idea. You are already that."
― Mooji

"Something brought you here.
Something inside is delighted to be reminded - you are nobody."
― Mooji

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Mooji Quotes - (60) - Awakening Spiritual Quotations
Keywords: Mooji Quotes, Quotations, Sayings, Inspirational, Intuition, Wisdom, Motivational, Life, Journey, Awakening, Spiritual, affirmations, UK, South Africa,​

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