Exercises to Develop Your Intuition
Articles By Irene Martina

Intuition is the space between your thoughts, when the mind lets go and surrenders to the present moment.

There are 7 steps that you can use to strengthen and exercise your intuition.

1.Your intellect!
Thoughts are the starting point as everything begins with thought. Pay attention and listen to what you are saying and thinking.

2. Imagination.
Imagination plays a key role in nearly everything we do. It is the ability to picture things in our head, things that are not visible around us. Visual symbols and shapes are vital to stimulating inner growth. Imagination is the gateway to awareness.

3. Trusting your gut.
Have you noticed that our culture does not value intuition? They value logic and reasoning and so we loose our connection to intuition and a very young age. We have been conditioned to look outside for the answers. Do you realize that you give away your power to people you think have all the answers. For example, doctors and healers may have all the information you need and it may be right but we should be open to taking it in and ask if this feels right for us. Nobody knows what's true for you as well as you know in your soul.

4. Awareness - This simply means living your life consciously.
When we do this and give full attention to each and every moment in our life, we begin to glow in our own light and truth.

5. Meditation.
This is when the body can reduce stress and concentration becomes easier and more effective. Your ability to learn expands and you enhance your creative powers. You also achieve an overall feeling of well being. Remember to really hear your inner voice you have to learn to be silent.

6. Dreams.
They are your greatest source of self help. They can express and teach creativity, reinforce learning, work on problems, and open the door to deeper spirituality. Dreams are therapeutic and healing.

7. Practice- Practice-Practice...
Think of intuition as a muscle that must be used to gain strength. So let's do some exercises!

Exercise 1

Take a look at what you are wearing right now. Do you know what your clothes may be telling you? As I mentioned in article two, your clothes, especially the colors will always tell you something about the energy that you may need at this time in your life.

o Are you listless and tired?

o Are your clothes and colors reflecting that?

o What color do you think you could put on to change your energy to something different?

o What is your intuition telling you about how you look and feel right now? Are you willing to listen to it?

o Is there someone close by? If so, look at what they are wearing and ask your intuitive self to give you some feedback on what you see.

Part 2. Think of a question that you want an answer to. For ex: Will it rain in your city before the next snowfall? Pretend that the color of the blouse/shirt you are wearing is the answer to the question OR any other object you want to use.

o Describe the color, any memories you may have associated with it, what the color means to you in this moment and how your perception of the color has changed during this exercise.

o Simply allow yourself to notice images, symbols and other impressions. Do you feel the color would mean a yes or a no to you right now?

Pretending and being able to make things up are very important skills to work on in gaining control of your intuition. Intuition is really just information gathering. Don't try to figure everything out.

Exercise 2

Do you ever notice animals or birds when driving or sitting outside? Did you ever stop and ask yourself why they suddenly came into your line of vision & what they could mean?

Here are some common meanings that you may want to consider next time an animal comes into your line of vision or space. What is the first word that comes into your mind when you read the words below? Do they fit with the ones I have given or did your word feel better to you?

Dogs- friendship, loyalty, unconditional love

Cats- independence, freedom, march to your own drums

Rabbits- timid, shy, fertility, abundance, growth

Crows- Spiritual laws, intelligence

Horses- Power, freedom, inner strength

Butterfly- Transformation

Are you starting to realize that when we use our intuition we are really operating without a safety net? There is no logic, common sense to this. Know that what you sense, feel, perceive and dream has some meaning. There is always a reason we notice what we do and that we don't notice everything else.

The same object viewed by two people can mean two very different things. Just allow your meanings of the symbols to come to you, and this may take time. It also takes an open mind, even if at first you have to pretend that the symbols are significant. Allow things to be meaningful and they become meaningful.

Exercise 3

Start an intuition notebook and write your experiences in a book. Write on how some daily or other impressions you had may have answered your question.

oPractice on things like; who is on the other line when the phone rings?

oWhich elevator will arrive first?

oWill the next traffic light be green, red or yellow?

oFocus on a call you would like to receive from someone and you will suddenly hear from them!

oIf the doorbell rings and you're not expecting anyone, who do you think it is?

You'll be amazed at how accurate your "guesses " can be.

As little children we had no trouble pretending. Pretending often precedes faith and before we know it, we no longer need to pretend.

If we insist on our experience of the world making sense, we will deprive ourselves of valuable intuitive data. You must be willing to make mistakes. When you follow your intuition you will gain a feeling of power and energy and more importantly a wonderful spiritual connectedness to all things in your life.

About Irene Martina
Irene is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Author, Speaker and facilitator. Considered one of Canada's most insightful, powerful and loved psychics. Insightful & compassionate, Irene Martina is a powerful spiritual counselor, speaker and teacher who has shared her unique intuitive gifts, wisdom and extraordinary wit with a myriad of clients from around the globe for more than 44 years.

Respected for her accuracy, Irene's inspirational readings and distinct spiritual guidance has inspired and enlightened individuals of diverse backgrounds and circumstance in their own spiritual journey of past and present as well as bring peace to families of loved ones on the other side. Irene's practical approach & charismatic persona is appreciated by many including career minded men and women, professionals, business executives, profiled personalities and the retired, among numerous others.

In addition to her powerful intuitive gifts, Irene shares her passion with others through personal and business consultations, keynotes, seminars, and custom workshops.

Keywords: Exercises to Develop Your Intuition, Imagination, Awareness, Meditation, dreams, Irene Martina, Intuitive, Articles, UK, South Africa, Cape Town

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Exercises to Develop Your Intuition